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Date: October 19

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Roberto Sánchez, announced that exports from the interior regions of Peru reached US$ 34,741 million in the first eight months of 2022, growing 11% compared to the same period of the previous year. Great news for job creation and looking to the future with optimism.

This figure, which does not include shipments to the world from Lima and Callao, was possible thanks to the significant development of exports from the southern, northern, central and eastern regions of the country. 

“There are 16 regions that increased their exports in the January-August period: Loreto (+274%), Cusco (+100%), San Martín (+90%), Ucayali (+86%), Amazonas (+57%) , Huánuco (+36%), Tumbes (+34%), Arequipa (+21%), Piura (+15%), La Libertad (+12%), Madre de Dios (+11%), Cajamarca (+11 %), Ica (+9%), Ancash (+7%), Lambayeque (+1%) and Moquegua (+1%). I would like to highlight Ucayali and Loreto, whose exports have exceeded annual historical values," said the head of Mincetur. 

In that sense, he commented, that thanks to these important results, it is expected that at least 10 regions will achieve record export figures by the end of the year. 

“The export sector has the commitment of the government of President Pedro Castillo to continue supporting them. Let us proudly celebrate this important result. We are working hard to promote exports in the world hand in hand with Promperú and the Commercial Offices of Peru Abroad (OCEX)”, he said.


According to the Mincetur Monthly Regional Trade Report – August 2022, all the northern regions increased their exports, highlighting Tumbes (+34%) due to higher shrimp sales; Piura (+15%) due to higher sales of oil and phosphates; La Libertad (+12%) due to higher sales of blueberries and balanced food; and Cajamarca (+11%) due to higher coffee sales.

In the center, two regions increased their exports: Huánuco (+36%), due to higher sales of avocado and beans; and Ica (+9%) due to the increase in its sales of copper, which doubled, natural naphtha and grapes. These growths offset lower sales in Junín, Huancavelica, Pasco and Ayacucho.

Likewise, in the east of the country, all regions increased their exports, with Loreto standing out (+274%) due to higher oil sales; San Martín (+90%) and Ucayali (+86%) due to higher sales of palm oil, cocoa and coffee; and Amazonas (+57%) due to higher sales of tara and coffee. Additionally, Madre de Dios increased its exports by 11%.

Finally, in the south, three regions increased their exports: Cusco (+100%) which strongly expanded the value of its natural gas exports; Arequipa (+21%) which significantly increased its molybdenum sales; and Moquegua, which increased its exports slightly. On the other hand, exports from Puno, Apurímac and Tacna decreased.


Agro-exports from inland regions continued to grow between January and August 2022 (+25%), reaching US$4.6 billion. In the coastal regions, sales of blueberries (+65%) and grapes (+14%) increased. In the jungle, the highest sales of coffee and palm oil stood out, and in the sierra (+19%) the sales of coffee and tara.

